Craving Carbs On The Keto Diet? 5 Tricks to Overcome It
Craving carbs as you get into your Keto Diet is something that most people come up against at some point. A low carb diet can cause these cravings so here are 5 tips to help you beat the carb munchies.
Irritability, lack of energy, depression are all very possible and real while following such a type of diet; but luckily you don’t have to experience any of them.
In fact, those responses are the body’s way of saying something is not right, and of getting your attention.
So, with that in mind, there are simple low carb diet “tricks” that you can follow to make your cravings for carbs disappear while on the low carb diet-and it’s not rocket science.
Without further ado, these are the most effective tricks you can employ to stave off the carb-munchies
Don’t Starve Yourself
Going on a diet is synonymous with starving for many people- simply because they associate “diet” with a significant reduction in amount of food consumed. This is where many people mess up. If you restrict your calories too much, too fast, your body goes into starvation mode- decreasing your metabolism and revving up starch craving and hunger pangs.
Eat More Protein
Protein is quite likely the most important macro-nutrient needed in the body. Without enough, you lose muscle mass, chemical processes in the body grind to a halt (AKA, metabolism) and you subsequently burn less calories. But did you also know that people consuming higher amounts of protein in their diet have far less starch or sugar cravings? This is because proteins, and more specifically slower digesting varieties (such as red meat and casein protein) signal to the brain higher level of satiety. This causes you to have fewer carb cravings and become more efficient in weight loss.
Got Fat?
“Whoa! You gotta be kidding me” is probably what’s going through your mind right about now, but it has been proven, and is widely becoming accepted, that a reasonable amount of dietary fat consumption is not bad for you, and is more likely to be beneficial. Why? Chew on these:
- Fat Is Essential For Production Of Hormones By The Body. These hormones include sex hormones, and fat burning hormones (epinephrine and norepinephrine) as well as many other supporting ones. Restriction of dietary fat correlates to lower levels of these hormones
- Fat Blunts Your Craving For Carbs Or Starch- fat is extremely filling and satisfying, and when taken with protein slows down its absorption significantly. In fact, consuming a diet high in protein and good fats (such as that found in avocadoes and almonds) while subsequently restricting carbohydrates, can lead to profound body composition changes. This is also likely to be the best plan for long term weight loss and stopping starch cravings once and for all
And just to top it off- did you know that many of the negative effects associated with fats are really attributed to when it combines with carbs? Yep, it takes two to tango (or in this case, make you fat and unhealthy!)
Eat More Frequently
Eating smaller meals, spaced more closely together is a better way for keeping carb cravings at bay than 3 large meals spaced many hours apart. Why? Because it helps to keep insulin levels somewhat stable throughout the day. And, since insulin signals hunger and starch cravings when levels drop low, keeping it at a stable elevation prevents cravings in the first place.
Hydrate & Veggi-nate!
I bet you’re tired of hearing “drink water, eat your veggies, blah blah” but what if I told you there was a stupidly simple way to beat the carb cravings while doing the same? Interested? Here’s what you can do
- Drink a gallon of water a day- the easy way to do this is full a one-gallon sized jug with water, and graduate lines on it that have to be drank ever hour. This not only makes it easy for you to visualize how much you need to drink, but keeps you accountable. Water is absolutely essential for beating a craving
- Eat As MUCH Veggies As You Want- yes, this revolutionary piece is what will make or break your low carb diet. Let me tell you why; veggies are extremely low calorie, meaning that one or even two full cups worth is unlikely to even deliver 200 calories. Secondly, by eating a particular one you enjoy, it doesn’t feel like a task and you feel satisfied in the process. A simple plan for achieving long term success!